How to be "a stronger, more effective and confident human being"

Julia GoodmanJulia Goodman
Julia Goodman
It’s not about becoming someone else. It’s all about having the confidence to tap into all that you already are.

New book You Brand: A Manual For Confidence sees Felpham-based Julia Goodman share the secrets of her 30-year career as a pioneering performance coach.

“You Brand is you everywhere”, as Julia explains. “You start out by thinking who you are and whether there is more to you that you are not feeling comfortable about expressing. You start thinking about how other people perceive you and how people read you because very often for all sorts of reasons we are not our full self a lot of the time.”

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Julia came into the coaching on the back of a successful acting career – and it was these skills she turned to.

“I was thinking ‘I am divorced with two children and when I am not working, I am living on social services.’ And I was thinking ‘If I can learn from these wonderful parts that I have been lucky enough to play, then maybe it is time for me to move on and to put some food on the table for my kids.’

“And I had the idea to take the techniques and the psychology and the science of communication that we use as actors and that we are trained in as actors… and to transpose them to non-actors.

“The skill you need as an actor is to get under the skin of the person that you are playing so that you can play them with depth and reality and authority.”

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