Ban mobiles for sake of our kids

Rye and Battle Observer lettersRye and Battle Observer letters
Rye and Battle Observer letters
From: D. Thomas, West Hill Road, Hastings

When my son left primary school to join an academy, we as parents were pressured into forking out for an iPad, albeit at a slightly discounted rate, on the understanding every child would have one.

We were sold the illusion that it would benefit their education, as new ways of innovative and interactive learning were to be rolled out.

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My son will be going into Year 9 in the summer, having needed this expensive bit of kit for virtually none of his schooling so far.

This, coupled with a downright apathetic and indifferent view of the widespread use of mobile phones within school – both in lessons and out – has brought nothing but distraction and depression.

Are these academies sponsored in some way, on the understanding that iPads are force-fed to our kids? And why isn’t there an outright ban on having mobile phones at school? To me it’s a no brainer! I can see no educational value at all in these devices.

Lessons are delivered the same as they always were, the only difference now is that our naturally distractible teenagers now have the added pressures and anxieties that come with all of these newfangled (anti) social media platforms. School is hard enough for kids this age without having to put up with perpetual bombardment from these gadgets.

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How can teachers be expected to do their jobs effectively and our children get the education they deserve, when they can’t keep their eyes off the screen for more than a few minutes at a time?

It is difficult enough as it is, as a parent, to regulate, monitor and exercise some measure of control over these things in the home.

Knowing there is virtually no regulation, and no responsibility taken by the school over the (mis)use of these gadgets while in their care is distressing, and often heartbreaking.

Please exercise some common sense, and ban mobile phones altogether at school – for the sake of our children’s mental wellbeing.

And if they have to have those iPads, stay true to your word and make some educational use of them!

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