LETTER: Is democracy dead in our district?

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What a disgrace for real democracy. For real democracy all persons affected by decisions taken by this council should be consulted and involved.

In the case of the new leisure facility proposals this was not the case. How can you leave out of discussions the largest single club affected by Horsham District Council’s announcement namely Horsham District Indoor Bowls Club.

You have to admire the audacity of Mr Chowen and his peers within the council for their decision to renege on previous promises to re-house the indoor bowls club within the new leisure centre.

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The fact that the indoor club has probably the highest membership of any club in the Horsham district with in excess of 400 members and that it pays the council circa £50,000 per year for using the facility and is responsible for the majority of maintenance costs and is used by both able and disabled persons including blind bowlers and young bowlers, appears to count for nothing.

One councillor has visited the club and has shown interest in the activities at the club.

To the best of my knowledge no other councillor has shown any interest or has any knowledge of indoor bowling and the associated activities, therefore how can any rational decision be taken relating to the club’s future.

Where is the honesty and integrity with councillors that we expect?

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I do wonder whether the developers are the power behind the council and that councillors are merely puppets on a string, either way the councillors involved are plumbing new depths.

We must retain an indoor bowls facility in Horsham with the necessary restaurant, bar and locker room/toilet facilities for the good and well-being of its members, visitors and the general public, as has been said before the club provides a place where people can meet and socialise as well as being an excellent venue for bowls.

The West Sussex County Times has an important role to play involving local issues, and we are pleased with the positive comments that have appeared in recent issues of the paper.


Men’s Captain Horsham Indoor Bowls Club

Fay Road, Horsham