LETTER: Map displays the nightmare ahead

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When I saw the map on page three of your paper last week (Horsham edition), it made me realise just how huge the effect this North Horsham proposal is going to be on the transport infrastructure.

The A264 will be a nightmare with all the traffic lights, additional roundabout, pedestrian crossings – after it is all done if this goes ahead but even worse during the construction period.

This is not just going to affect those living in Horsham but anyone who uses the A24/A264 regularly as a main transport route northwards to Dorking and eastwards to Pease Pottage and the A23.M23 corridor. Delays, stress, congestion, pollution – and more.

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HDC’s proposal is all about breaching the Strategic Gap in North Horsham and putting totally unreasonable demands on the infrastructure. Mitigation measures such as traffic lights and roundabouts will make the situation worse. Look at that map.

Residents should put at the top of their list of objections to the Inspector that HDC are building in the Strategic Gap by breaching the A264. It is known as ‘coalescence’ between settlements.


Tennyson Close, Horsham