LETTER: Wonderful place will be ruined

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I was absolutely appalled to read even more homes have been proposed! After all the development in Broadbridge Heath and around the Tanbridge area as well as the development of North Horsham, how many more homes can our roads, hospitals and amenities take?

I live in Kingsfold and enjoy a quiet country life. It will destroy the area if it is allowed to go ahead.

The A24 will not sustain any more traffic from all the new builds. The A24 has not been moved to the safer alternative of near the railway due to an endangered newt population (and expense) which is just where Boldings Green is planned, along Boldings Brook Valley.

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I cannot believe Horsham District Council is even entertaining the idea of this development, even if it is instead of the North Horsham site.

Whilst I appreciate new roads, an improved Warnham Station and amenities are planned along with the development, a new hospital is not amongst the plans.

If Gatwick Airport is successful in its recent trailing of a new flight path that is set to go right over Kingsfold and Warnham, surely the houses will not be that desirable especially those near the refuse tip?

Horsham is a wonderful place to live but if the development continues it will be ruined for everyone. This area cannot support more houses.


The Marches, Kingsfold