East Sussex residents worried about broken steps which are an 'accident waiting to happen'

The steps between Offham Road and Talbot Terrace have a number of bricks which are either missing or have been displaced from the original set-up (credit: Anthony Kalume)The steps between Offham Road and Talbot Terrace have a number of bricks which are either missing or have been displaced from the original set-up (credit: Anthony Kalume)
The steps between Offham Road and Talbot Terrace have a number of bricks which are either missing or have been displaced from the original set-up (credit: Anthony Kalume)
Residents in Lewes are concerned about a set of broken steps near Pells Pool which are seen as an ‘accident waiting to happen’.

The steps between Offham Road and Talbot Terrace have a number of bricks which are either missing or have been displaced from the original set-up, creating an uneven pathway up to the public outdoor swimming baths.

A local posted a photo of the steps online, with the caption: “An accident waiting to happen the steps from Offham road going to Pells pool have been calling for repair if the council can not fix it should we? Can we repair and send the bill to ESCC? Or Lewes Town council?”

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