Rye is hazardous forthe partially sighted

A partially sighted woman has spoken out about how hazardous it is for those with sight problems to get around Rye.

The Observer took a trip with Christine Ward along her usual route around the town, along Love Lane and the Rye Hill area.

She pointed out cracked paving stones, trip hazards and overgrown vegetation.

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Christine says the problem is getting worse due to the current lack of maintenance being carried out in the town.

Originally from the London area, she said: “I have never lived in a place that is so neglected. The difference between Sussex and Kent is incredible - you can see where the money has been spent.

“It is dangerous, particularly in the autumn when leaves are not cleared from public footpaths. I have had a couple of near misses.

“I would urge allpeople who live in Rye, who do not or ca not drive, and have access problems in getting around, to get more involved in local action. Join the Council and the CDR, (Campaign for a Democratic Rye) as it is no good just moaning and complaining about the state of the non tourist parts of Rye.

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“If more people were to come out of their comfort zones, and walk around to see and feel under foot the very neglected areas we may get something done.

Rye Cemetery steps are in urge of urgent repairs, with some steps missing and obstructive vegetation making them very dangeous.

There is a neglected uneven cracked pathway, past the Rye Schools through to Love Lane leading out to the Queen Adelaide pub.

“Rye Hill is constantly left to overgrow with over hanging obstructing vegetation making it very precarious for walking pedestrians who are sometimes forced to walk in the road. Yet Rye Hill is the only feasible way to get into and out of Rye on foot.

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“Unless people are affected by access or disability problems, they cannot fully appreciate just how neglected and potentially dangerous these areas are in Rye.

“Rye deserves much better than it is getting at the moment. we need to end this apathy and neglect.”